THE CONFINES is a claustrophobic thriller that follows a troubled young woman who, in a last-ditch effort at getting her life together, takes a job working nights as a security guard at an abandoned luxury apartment building. Stuck with a brusque rent-a-cop as her partner, she tries to not let her mind play tricks on her while she patrols the empty halls. But as the night progr...
"You'd never have to leave. And as you know, boom became bust, and here we are." 我好爱这份差事 成为一座昔日荣景不在的大楼守夜人 守着她的落寞 守着她的凄凉 守着她的回忆 守着她的衰老 守着她的空荡荡 守着她的静悄悄 守着她的腐朽味道 守着她的分崩离析 守着白天喧闹都市过后夜里沉寂如初的她 守着人去楼空物是人非只剩鬼魂在此游荡的她 里面会有一个我爱她 她也爱我的女鬼吗 然而 然而这一切却似是一个垂死者的徒劳幻想——就像影片里Streak(Clara)那个破灭的梦中梦 死去的终将死去/2星半
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