语言:英语 / 德语
片长:89 分钟
主演:Elena MarkovaSandra Vidal尚格·云顿劳拉·哈灵托马斯·阿拉纳尼古拉·比内夫
NATO operative Jacques Kristoff is summoned into action, on his birthday, to track down Galina Konstantin, who has scampered off with an extremely valuable and dangerous top-secret cargo. Finding Galina doesn't take long, and Jacques must wrap up the mission by returning Galina and the contraband to his superiors by train. Jacques's physician wife Madeline isn't happy about thi...
女主偷了病毒,男主作为度假特工被派去保护,追车撞车爆炸戏,之后一直在火车上周旋,病毒居然打破,火车很多人生病了。男主设定有妻子,还带着孩子在车上给男主惊喜。未能和女主有啥火花。还有点电脑特效(火车外,直升飞机),比较假。有火车骑摩托,结尾有火车撞击,武装直升机炸大桥,生化服。其实和深海越狱结构挺像。 斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发到德国慕尼黑的火车。 妻子演员susan gibney
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